Wednesday 24 June 2015

Common Tern Colour Ringing at Watermead CP.

 A total of 28 young Common Terns were rung at Watermead Country Park today. They received a metal ring on the right leg and a Lime Green colour ring on the left leg. The codes for 2015 run from U38 to U66. ( U46 broke). These individuals will hopefully return in the summer of 2017.
 All the juveniles were of a good size and seemed well fed.

 The 6 rafts all had young terns. One raft only had two chicks, but one raft on Meadow Pool had eight chicks.

 The remains of a small Roach was on one raft and this chick seemed keen to be fed. I am always interested in what the terns are being fed. Obviously local fish stocks are important to the success of the colony.
A massive Thank You to Dale and Charlie for helping us access the rafts this year.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the rafts at Watermead are doing well as are the Terns mate!!
